2025.3.28 fri - 4.13 sun
at Vacant/Centre
入場無料 | Admission Free
金ー月オープン | Open Friday - Monday
営業時間 | Opening hours 13:00 - 18:00
2025.4.22 tue - 4.27 sun
at graf porch (大阪府大阪市北区中之島4-1-9 2F)
入場無料 | Admission Free
営業時間 | Opening hours 11:30 - 18:00
Vacantのオリジナルプロダクトレーベル Vacant/Multiple による展示会 "Correspondences"を開催します。
Vacant主宰・永井祐介が思索を重ねる『文化空間学 / Cultural Placeology』の理念のもと、Vacant/Multipleのプロダクトは、衣服・小物・家具・書籍など、多岐にわたるかたちで生み出されています。それらは単なる物質ではなく、「空間から場へ」と変容するための媒介(メディウム)として、人とモノの関係性を問い直すものです。本展では、それぞれのプロダクトに宿る背景や物語を解きほぐすようなインスタレーションを展開します。
「応答を / Correspondences」
ーVacant/Multiple Conceptより
Vacant/Multiple, the original product label of Vacant, is pleased to present the exhibition "Correspondences."
Under the philosophy of Cultural Placeology, proposed by Vacant’s founder Yusuke Nagai, Vacant/Multiple creates a wide range of products-from clothing and accessories to furniture and books. These are not merely objects but mediators that transform "space into place," re-examining the relationship between people and things. This exhibition unfolds an installation that unravels the background and stories embedded in each product.
"True wealth lies not in possessing an abundance of things, but in the intimate relationships between people and objects. The more time you spend together, the more the object will reflect a part of yourself."
ーfrom Vacant/Multiple Concept
Rather than mere ownership, true richness emerges from the bonds between people and the objects they cherish. The passage of time, the marks of repair, and the patina of use all reflect the unique personality of the owner, allowing each item to evolve into a one-of-a-kind presence. Objects respond to people, and people respond to objects. In this reciprocal "correspondence," we may find a path beyond the cycles of consumption-one that leads to a freer, more meaningful experience of time.
During the exhibition period, you can order pre-order items at a 20% discount at the exhibition venue and online.

© 2025 Vacant