"結は占め/Tighten the Place"
2024.12.6 Fri - 22 sun
at Vacant/Centre Cove
入場無料 | Admission Free
金土日のみオープン | Open Fri - Sun
営業時間 | Opening hours 13:00 - 18:00
《同時開催/Concurrent Event》Vacant Temporary Store “Matters”
※本展はGalleryで開催中のMatters内及び、初公開となる別棟Cove 2階での展示となります。
Focusing on "straw," a material deeply rooted in Japanese tradition, Straft creates a diverse range of works including clothing, furniture, and monuments by incorporating time-honored techniques.
This exhibition showcases Straft’s representative works alongside a display and sale of original shimekazari decorations. Derived from shimenawa, which were traditionally used to signify sacred spaces, shimekazari serve as markers for welcoming Toshigami-sama (New Year's deity). These decorations express gratitude for the year's harvest and carry hopes and prayers for the coming year. These works honor the Japanese tradition of adorning the year-end and New Year transition, a custom that persists even in modern times when straw is no longer a familiar material in daily life. They represent a new form of pray.