Vacantのプロジェクトスペースとして、2009年に東京・原宿でスタートした。 展覧会、ライブ、フード、ワークショップなどのイベントを、アート、音楽、デザイン演劇など、あらゆるジャンルを横断的に扱い、当時の日本のカルチャーシーンのみならず、海外アーティストとも積極的に紹介する文化施設として、10年のあいだに数百のイベントを開催した。
Started in 2009 in Harajuku, Tokyo, as a project space for Vacant. Over the course of 10 years, it hosted hundreds of events spanning exhibitions, live performances, food, and workshops, crossing genres such as art, music, design, and theater. It served as a cultural hub that not only engaged with Japan’s cultural scene at the time but also actively introduced international artists.
Space direction
Space design
Creative direction
Art direction

Event Archive List (Selected)
Dates / Genre / Title / Artist
2019.12.10-28 / Closing Event / Wrong Dance, Right Steps(2019) / Various Artists
2019.08.03-25 / Exhibition / Heavymetal / Seiji Nagai
2018.09.15-30 / Exhibition / Pendant 1957-2018 / Suilen Higashino
2018.02.24-25 / Live / In Between Sound & Vision / Aki Onda, Akio Suzuki, Takashi Makino
2018.02.02-25 / Exhibition / Makoto Latest Ceramic Works / Makoto Orui
2017.12.02-25 / Exhibition / Tanz / Kota Aoyama
2017.02.25-03.13 / Exhibition / David Bowie by Mick Rock / Mick Rock
2017.02.10-19 / Live&Exhibition / Pollution Symphony / Various Artists
2016.06.24-07.24 / Exhibition / Winter / Yuko Noguchi
2016.06.04-19 / Exhibition+Live / Help Me Find My Noodle / Devendra Banhart
2016.04.15-05.15 / Exhibition / when a night ends—the sun rises / Amit Berlowitz
2016.02.19-03.20 / Exhibition / Boxer / Kristin Loschert
2015.12.04-27 / Exhibition / Everything Has Beauty / Makoto Orui
2015.11.27-29 / Exhibition / Ladders, Artifacts and Trees: Selected Works from Hiroshima / elin o’Hara slavick
2015.10.23-11.23 / Exhibition& Publishing / BLACK&WHITE - Portrait of James Chance by Anya Phillips / Anya Phillips
2015.08.29-09.27 / Exhibition / HARD CORE / Seiji Nagai
2015.05.06-13/ Exhibition / Trash Weekend / Makoto Orui
2014.11.22-30 / Exhibition / Change Your Mind a Million Times / Devendra Banhart
2014.05.03-27 / Exhibition&Publishing / Les Chroniques Purple / Various Artists
2013.09.28-29 / Live / Boombox-Mellotron Project / Various Artists
2013.09.13-26 / Exhibition / Norwegian Outlet / Bendik Kaltenborn, Espen Friberg
2013.03.02-17 / Exhibition / X / Isamu Gakiya
2012.09.01-15 / Exhibition / Good Stuff To Look At / Bruce Davenport Jr.
2011.08.13-08.28 / Exhibition / iO Tillett Wright “The Kid” / iO Tillett Wright and Various Artists
2011.01.15-01.30 / Exhibition / Self-portrait / Yukio Nakagawa
2010.12.11-26 / Exhibition / DAVID BYRNE ART EXHIBITION / David Byrne
2010.11.22-12.05 / Exhibition / Back is always the void / Hideki Makiguchi
2010.10.31-11.12 / Exhibition / Kozo Miyoshi Photographs / Kozo Miyoshi
2010.09.08-20 / Exhibition / The Situation / Ari Marcopoulos
2010.01.27-02.05 / Exhibition / On a Genetic Level: Smell Light Laugh Memory Tear / Hanayo
2009.11.28-12.04 / Exhibition / The Wisdom of Flowers / Susan Cianciolo
2009.11.01.13 / Exhibition / The Far Fog / Makoto Orui
2009.11.01.13 / Exhibition / The Family Is a Pubis, So I Cover It With Pretty Panties / Motoyuki Daifu
2009.08.11-21 / Exhibition / Circle of Friends / Various Artists
2009.07.04-08.09 / Exhibition / Without Records / Yoshihide Otomo
2009.05.01-06 / Opening Event / Wrong Dance, Right Steps / Various Artists
2009.04.25 / Performance / CARRY-IN-PROJECT / AKUMA NO SHIRUSHI
2009.03.19-22 / Exhibition / Hiroshima! / Chim↑Pom
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